t r a n s f o r m e r is a Washington, DC based 501 (c) 3 artist-centered, non-profit visual arts organization. Founded in June 2002 by artists & arts organizers, Transformer’s mission is to connect, elevate, and serve a diversity of emerging artists and arts leaders. Transformer develops innovative, multi-faceted exhibition and program platforms, both independently and through global partnerships, to present artists’ evolving ideas and work, advance new and best visual arts practices, and engage audiences with emerging contemporary art.

t r a n s f o r m e r is committed to inclusivity, professional excellence, artist equity, open dialogue, expansive cultural exchange, and freedom of artistic expression.

Transformer Code of Conduct (PDF)

Evoking the Senses storefront exhibition at Transformer, February 2021.

Evoking the Senses storefront exhibition at Transformer, February 2021.

Artist-centered in everything we do, Transformer serves as both a catalyst and advocate for emergent expression in the visual arts. Transformer is honored to be widely recognized by artists and growing communities of supporters for advancing emerging artists and experimental artistic concepts. Sophisticated in our programming, while retaining our founding punk rock ethos, Transformer propels artists who define what’s happening now and next in contemporary visual art.

Transformer is W.A.G.E certified!

A series of testimonial videos and reflections from our community celebrating Transformer and how it has ‘transformed’ their practice, work, and engagement with the contemporary field. Short videos will be presented on Transformer’s social media and website throughout the year.


BOARD of Directors

Executive Committee

Jennifer Sakai
Board President
Artist, Educator & Curator

Christopher Addison
Board Vice President
Addison/Ripley Fine Art

Elise Hoffmann
Board Treasurer
Principal, Marshfield Associates

Allana D’Amico
Board Secretary
Independent Curator & Contemporary Art Consultant

Victoria Reis
Co-Founder, Executive & Artistic Director, Transformer


James Alefantis
Board President Emeritus

Melissa Burnett

Eric Broermann
Partner, Vassar Broermann Group

Edgar Endress

Carole Feld
Brand Consultant, BrandShopDC

Izette Folger

Tom Kim

Micheline Klagsbrun
President, CrossCurrents Foundation

Allison G. Marvin
Founder, Sightline

Theresa Nielson

Sheldon Scott

Virginia Shore
Art Consultant

Sidney W Stolz

Advisory Council

Ken Ashton

Mark Beasley
Curatorial Director, Pace Live

Lisa C. Brown

iona rozeal brown

Kendall Buster
Artist; Professor of Sculpture, Virginia Commonwealth University

Molly Donovan
Associate Curator, Modern and Contemporary Art, National Gallery of Art

Michael Giacalone
Italian Cultural Institute (Istituto Italiano di Cultura), Embassy Liaison

Jason Herrick
Senior Philanthropy Officer, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Ryan Hill
Artist; Educator; Deputy Director, Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson 

James Huckenpahler

Jennifer Wen Ma

Jayme McLellan
Director, Civilian Art Projects

William A. Newman

Vesna Pavlovic

Nick Pimentel
Artist, Restaurateur, Ellē and Tigerella

Rodolfo Rothschild

Casey Smith

Dan Steinhilber

Sarah Tanguy
Independent Curator, Writer and Critic

Martha Wilson
Artist; Founder & Director, Franklin Furnace

Jon Winet